Seafood Shack Serving Invasive Pacu Featured in Herald Tribune

By: Wade Tatangelo | Ticket Sarasota | Published on: August 20, 2015 The piranha’s larger cousin, the pacu, has been caught as close as Phillippi Creek in Sarasota County. It’s a freshwater fish with human-like teeth from the Amazon River in South America. The non-native species enter local waters after they have eaten other fish…


MOTE Aquaponic Fish and Veggies Make Dinner Debut Featured in Longboat Key News

Longboat Key News | Published on: August 8, 2015 The Seafood Shack’s Executive Chef, Gerard Jesse, is getting involved in an interesting new culinary craze in Southwest Florida – a project by MOTE Aquaculture Park (MAP). MAP’s method of raising seafood while using the wastewater to fertilize salt-loving crops is making its way into Southwest…